Link Building

What are Linkreators ? How to get Powerful Backlinks from Linkreators ?


What are linkreators ?

Linkreators are those persons , websites , blog owners and publishers who has power to link back to your website content. It is a term created by Brian Dean founder of Backlinko and Exploding topics .

Why SEO and Backlinks are important ?

When we talk about digital business and sales , our conversation is not completed without talking about SEO and its tactics. SEO is a long term marketing strategy involving creating a lot of quality content , Links and technical work on your website. Links in SEO plays a key role in deciding the SERP position in Google . Google counts links as ” votes ” for a website credibility. In this scenario , when links are the heavyweights for a website organic ranking then the value of getting links is increasing day by day.

How to find linkreators in your niche / industry ?

While creating content , the publishers look for credible resources to link them in their content to increase authority and reputation of their content. Finding the linkreators is a very easy but useful task.

I will breakdown the steps to find the linkreators :

Through Google Search :

  • Google search for the specific keyword you want to rank and write content around it.
  • Now , you will have search results ranking for the particular keyword you typed in Google search.
  • Make a list of atleast 20 of the top ranking blogs and websites ranking for that specific keyword. Note : This is recommended by me if you are comfortable in less results then its upto you.
  • Next step is to review the content of atleast top 20 websites / blogs content .
  • Your review should be thorough with focus on finding strengths and weakness of their content.
  • Make a list of topics / clusters for the content your competitors focuses . Your selection would be based on linking / content interests of your competitors.
  • After creating content which attracts them , shoot them an email , linkedin message to tell them about your latest content and ask them to give their feedback as well.
  • Create content having Stats , Infographics , Case Studies and research to create linkable assets as well.

Through Linkedin :

Repeat the same process as with google search with slight change of strategy.

  • Start by searching the relevant keyword and find top experts in that particular content. e.g if its about SEO and content marketing you would never want to miss Neil Patel and Brian Dean and many others as well.
  • Send Connection request to those members which are related to your proposed content industry.
  • Go around their profiles , websites / blogs to analyze their area of interest .
  • Make a list of top 20 or even more persons having high expertise in their fields.
  • Make analysis of their content and then create your content strategy according to their interests .
  • After creating content which attracts them , shoot them an email , linkedin message to tell them about your latest content and ask them to give their feedback as well.
  • If you can give link to their content in your content then it would increase more chances of getting backlinks from them as well.

Through Twitter

Repeat the exact same Linkedin process but target different websites / blogs / publishers in all three platforms to increase your size of Content strategy. By doing this , you would have more new content ideas having more chances of organic link building from your competitors .

Outreach Linkreators

After publishing your piece of content , you should outreach the linkreators you created from your research. If you have link their content in your article then mention about as well in your outreach email.

Your outreach email should not be over promotional rather it should be personalized email . You should be asking for a review / feedback for your article from them. Asking for a direct backlink is not a good strategy , focus on delivery quality content message to them , so they can bookmark your content for considering link back .

Traditional Link Building Vs Organic Link Building ( Links from Linkreators )

Now , as we have defined the ” Linkreators ” , the next step is to explain the features of a good piece of content which encourages the Website publishers to link your content in their blogs. The organic link building strategy is different from traditional link building strategies which involved Guest Posting , Sponsored Posts , Forum link building , Profiles Link building etc.

These link building strategies still work but not so much powerful , economical and within the guidelines of Google. The traditional link building involves resources , time , money  to invest to get great backlinks. With Organic link building strategy , you can get organic links from high quality websites which would actually rank your content high on search engines. These links would be natural and this process will be on going until your content remains relevant and upto date.

Read More : 11 Successful Content Marketing Tips

What is good content marketing strategy for organic link building ?

Your content should have following qualities to get free high quality organic backlinks :

  • Original Research
  • Survey
  • Case studies
  • Unique and useful
  • Stats

These features make the content ” Linkable Assets ” . The more linkable assets you would have on your website , the more chances of getting backlinks.

I will explain these content strategies one by one here :

Original research

Original research means finding something new which is never been on internet or somewhere else. Its like creating something new which existed somewhere else but nobody had found it.

By researching something crazy and unique , you would be attracting high authority News media houses , Journalists who always looking for finding new resources and researches to back up their articles. Many of content creators , bloggers , publishers would be willing to link back to your original research. By linking to your content in their articles , they would be increasing credibility of their content as well of their website. People trust original research and stats.

So , By writing original research you can get high quality organic backlinks and make sure you keep updating the content to keep it relevant . It would helps you to get more and more backlinks.


Survey is also one of most interesting yet result oriented technique to create linkable assets. When compare to original research , Surveys are less difficult and requires less resources.

I recommend conducting surveys to the people and organizations having limited resources . Conduct a survey on a tending topic , you can find trending topics on Google Trends as well as on Exploding topics. Publish the results of your survey in a well structured article , That’s It ! Now, your thing to do is to make sure to market your survey to the relevant audience by shooting emails , LinkedIn Messages , Social media posts , newsletters etc. Remember , without effective marketing , no one gonna knows you have published a great survey on your website.

Case Studies

By studying projects , evaluating data and analytics , you are actually creating a new content. By studying the mechanism , process and evaluating the results , you will be presenting the results of running project.

People love case studies as they are purely practical . Why would somebody trusts a theoretical piece without any success evidence ? With case studies , you can show evidence of successful strategies and high performing content . Case studies also focuses on non-performing factors as well. These characteristics helps people to identify mistakes and focus on successful techniques.

Case Studies are a great source of getting organic backlinks from your linkreators as well from your industry publishers.

Unique and useful

Content should be unique and useful to your audience. The intent of writing content should be to give benefit to your audience. If you are merely writing a piece of content for getting backlinks then it would a worse content strategy.

Besides writing content around linkreators content strategy , the purpose should be to write high quality unique content which is not available anywhere or always add something new to your content to differentiate it from others content.


When you write a quality content with stats on it , it increases authority and credibility of the content. By including stats in the content you will also be increasing E-A-T ( Expertise , Authoritativeness , Trustworthiness ) of your website .

It would helps your content rank high and increases overall authority of your website as well.


There is a lot of content on internet and most of the content is dead content. People write content , publish it and nobody reads them . Its because they never write a quality piece and marketed well. Always know your purpose before writing content . Plan your content strategy , create content clusters and provides solutions in your articles to get attention of content creators as well as the relevant audience. I have tried to explain how linkreators link building works and i hope you people have get enough information in this article to create your organic link building content strategy.

Do you have any more organic link building strategies in your mind ? Put up them in the comments below and the best of them will be included in this article !


Noman Jahangir

Noman Jahangir is the founder and CEO of NJV Marketing. He has over 5 years of SEO and Digital Marketing Experience. He loves to write on SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and e-commerce.

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