Its been a strong debate about two marketing strategies, SEO vs social media marketing. People often talk about them and asks which one is better for their business.
Both SEO ( search engine optimization ) and Social Media Marketing have their respective positions and worth. They have their own pros and cons. You can not simply deny the importance of any of them .
Now , I will explain both SEO and Social Media marketing , then we will do detail comparison to know which one is better. Read the article to know more about it.
What is SEO ?
SEO Stands for search engine optimization . Its a process of generating content which ranks higher in search engine rankings and ultimately gets more clicks and traffic. Its looks pretty simple but in fact its a very slow process and somehow difficult too.
Benefits of SEO
In determining which one is better in SEO vs social media marketing . We need to determine the benefits of both of them . Let me explain you benefits of SEO .
- Its Long lasting and have high conversion rate.
- You will have high quality traffic in your website without doing any paid advertisements.
- Extremely helpful in creating long term relationships with your customers.
- More revenues with opportunities to grow .
- A great way to increase brand reputation .
So , These were summarized benefits of SEO Now , lets go for Cons of SEO
Cons of SEO
- Its very slow process.
- Some keywords are too competitive to rank for new / small websites.
- There is no guarantee that you will rank for certain keywords.
- Mostly for high quality keywords , big companies already ranks good.
- You invest a lot if money in it but in ends you don’t get enough for it.
- You need excellent content which is better than your competitors who already ranking for.
So , These were Cons of SEO , In fact its a very difficult but regardful process . If you keep patience and work in right direction in doing SEO of your website then definitely you gonna rank high and gets most of it.
Content Led-SEO – Content Marketing
Another aspect which is relates to SEO is content marketing. It is one of the best marketing strategy for products and services business.
Content Marketing involves writing high quality content which provides solution to the problems of the people. Content marketing is being done for informational , transaction purposes. People like to read a review , features of a product before actually buying it. A review can make their mind whether to buy the product or not.
With Proper SEO of your content having high quality useful content is key to successful SEO Strategy.
You should be doing at least following things to make your content SEO friendly and boost its ranking :
- Do proper keywords research
- Write on those topics on which you have expertise
- Write something new and valuable
- Focus on your audience issues
- Provide solution which is not available anywhere ( to outrank your competitors )
- Get high quality backlinks
Read More : What are linkreators ? How to get powerful backlinks from them ?
Monetization – Adsense and other Ad Publishers
If you are a website / blog publisher then you can not deny the importance and significance of SEO in earning revenue through ads.
You need to be have better SEO of your content to able to rank on search engines such as Google , Bing to rank your content , gain more traffic and ultimately more revenue.
Without SEO , it would become so difficult for the websites publishers to gain traffic on their website unless they are a big brand like Amazon.
In short , SEO can do magics and it is becoming more important day by day. You should be focusing on planning SEO strategy for your own website to start getting high quality traffic.
What is Social Media Marketing ?
Social Media Marketing means to market your product or brand on social media platforms such as Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , LinkedIn , Snapchat etc .
It includes writing engaging posts on social media profiles / pages to engage the target audience plus running highly targeted Ads to obtain more sales and conversions.
Ads on social media helps greatly in getting new and more clients . It results in more revenues and sales in a very less period of time.
Social Media is great place to create brand awareness by creating high quality engaging posts and advertisements.
Benefits of Social Media Marketing
- Easy and Fast to implement
- High Conversions and sales instantly
- Less expertise require
- More revenues in less time
- Excellent for retail sellers
- Great source of feedback
- Good customer-seller relationship
These were summarized benefits of social media marketing , lets move on Cons of social media marketing.
Cons of Social media marketing
- High Cost
- It will keep costing you until you stop Ad campaigns.
- You will need to active on social media to engage with customers.
- You may need to hire social media manager for writing posts and running Ads.
- Its good for retail customers but not as good for whole sale customers.
- In Competitive industry , low conversion rates have been observed.
So These were the Cons of Social Media marketing.
Brand Awareness
Social Media is a great place to make brand awareness. The user interaction on social media is way more ahead than any other channel. People use social media in their homes , offices and everywhere. Social media has become integral part of their lives . People look for happiness on social media and that’s why its become a very useful place for brands to grow and market their products and services.
If you are a new brand in the market and want to increase your brand awareness , then social media platorms such as Facebook , Instagram , Snapchat , Twitter , Linkedin. Reddit , Pinterest etc can become very handy in your brand success. By posting content , placing ads on these platforms will helps you gaining more customers and yes ultimately more revenue. Hiring social media marketing agency for content creation and brand awareness is key when you have limited in house resources.
Social Media Marketing for ecommerce
If you have online store and selling your products online then social media is the best place to start making conversions. Social media power has flourished the ecommerce market and provided the new ways for new and existing vendors to sell their products to a large and relevant audience.
When we see the numbers of sales of ecommerce stores through social media , it makes highly convincing factor of importance of social media in our lives with respect of economy as well.
Conclusion :
In my point of view , both Social media marketing and SEO have their own Pros and Cons . Which one is better is a big question depending on circumstances. Like , if you are a retail seller and looking for instant sales then you should be running Social media marketing campaigns and in addition don’t forget to work on your SEO as its long term strategy and will helps you a lot in future.
As a Business , you should be focusing both on social media marketing and SEO. When you work on these both marketing strategy then you will definitely gonna rock your sales and conversions.
NJV Marketing is also providing SEO and Social media marketing services. If you need them then Email us Hello@NJVmarketing.com , we will help you in getting more clients and Traffic.